Thursday, August 26, 2004

warning: thought actually went into this post

went jogging the other day. done it several times since then, but that one particular jog has relevence to it, thusly why i mention it. to explain: for the past year or so, ive jogged a 2.6 mile loop fairly regularly. while working at kirkwood, i asked one of the directors if theyd use their distance measuring walkie thing to measure a 3 mile loop. i ran it, and managed to do so with a good bit of success. thusly when i came home i mapped out a 3 mile run myself. heres the thing now, the director was off in her measurement, a good bit off. thusly, near the end of my jog, having run at a quick pace i could only keep for so long, i found myself in an interesting position; i honestly didnt know if i could finish. i realized, after somehow managing to finish and catch my breath, that i had never been in that position before. ive done things in the past that were very difficult, to be sure, but never something i didnt actually believe i could accomplish. i dont know how many of you reading this have had this experience, but it is a rather startling one, for me at least. i now hold the opinion ive missed out on something here. being able to finish that run is now rather high in my list of things im proud of. that last half mile, when my body was screaming to stop, and my mind had thrown its support with it, i wanted nothing more than to lie down and catch my breath. but something, call it subconscious, spirit, or whatever, it really donesnt matter, prodded me onward. i found energy i didnt know i pocessed, and pushed my body beyond the limit i thought it had. i now wonder what my potential really is. i donno, i might post about this later. for now, im tired enough im starting to ramble. g'night


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6:28 PM


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