Sunday, November 14, 2004

meditations, reflections, and prayer

i like that line, its the title to a cd i dont have but should.

on another note, ive just realized something. at the end of august i figured itd take till next summer before id want to go back to kirkwood. now, after being there again this weekend, ive found that i wish i was still there. funny how the mind works aint it? it is weird though. despite the lack of sleep, the aching feet and the annoyance of cooking, i much prefer this past summer to fall. not that the past few months havent had benefits, mainly the fact i can hang out with people again, but...i dont know. something about not really doing anything constructive (besides that whole getting a diploma thing) really makes life dull. ive always questioned why people wouldnt want to go to college, even if its just mum. now i think i have an idea. something about working and living without any aspects of a classroom has a definite appeal. no worries parents, im still gonna go to college, im just gonna appreciate those days i get to spend working a lot more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no other place has given me a reason(that most people would understand) to go and lay in the woods looking at the stars in silence than Kirkwood.

Coffee house was awesome this time around as well.

8:24 PM


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