Thursday, January 20, 2005

death to the state

yes, well, the entire school system is officially screwed if this levey doesnt pass. central and gate are closed, no busing, no extracurriculars (sports or otherwise), optional lunch, 5.5 hour school day, 85 teachers losing their jobs, the list goes on...

so yeah, those of you that can vote, please vote yes

the reason, if youre curious, is that the levies we have in effect give us a monetary value each year that doesnt change, despite inflation or other increases in operating costs. thusly, we have had a static value of money to spend each year since 1980 and 1995 (when the two levies we currently have went into effect), but have had to pay more and more for the things we need. thusly, the defecit. this is due to a very, increadibly, momumentaly stupid law by the state. so even if we do pass this levey, we are still on a course to financial disaster if the law isnt changed or more levies arent made.

gotta love it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, dear intelect is a possible realm of this world. I appreciate you input and your wisdom and although our opinions differe I appreciate it very much! Also, I do mention that I do want the levy to pass so I may continue being a member of various clubs. However, our district hasn't been very frugle and I must say that Mr. Price has controlled this district horribly; he has squandered a tremendous amount of trusted funds and if you are prudent you would look at records of the spending. Oh wait... THERE ARENT ANY!!! I WONDER WHY!!!. Also, you said that our members of society will be gald we received a proper education; we arent receiveing a proper education and his wish is to have the first district rated superior. How does one aspire to do this and yet he is threatening to abolish many teachers. If this comes off very arrogant or obnoxious then ingore that because this is a comment that I posted to somebody that is very stupid. I just copy and pasted it into yours. I'm a Comment whore and proud of it!

11:03 PM

Blogger krissy said...

first, thank you, i like to think my rambling on this has some purpose and/or meaning. secondly however, our district has been increadibly frugle. up to this year, dr price and the board have managed to make do with no increase in revenue against great increases in pricing due to inflation. if the levy fails, this next year will be the first year that anything in the school will be cut. so far, the board has saved money by not buying things (ie, books and computers) that, while important, are not yet necessary. granted, this is a short turn solution, but the board has admitted this and has put pressure on the state to allow the money recieved by the district to increase. Thirdly, the budget records have not been put online due to their length and the lack on interest concerning them. however, the treasurer of the district can be contacted at, and would gladly im sure send you a complete copy of the budget. fourthly, i made no comment about members of society, be careful in what you copy and paste. fifth, dr price has threatened nothing, he has merely had to decide how to save over 9 million dollars, and the only way possible to do that is to cut 85 teachers, among the other steps i listed already.

12:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, we wouldn't be in this position if we wouldn't have sustained so much waste of money. That is the point of my article and why you explain why we are doing this think in the past and then challenge this issue. People need to quit telling me why it must be passed; people have been tellig me this very often. Once again, thank you Chris for enlightening me. I appreciate your advise and it is well taken. Although I may appear to bash ones wishes, I want a second opinion. Thank you.

3:38 PM


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