Wednesday, February 02, 2005

hi, how are you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fine, thanks. Y tu krissy?

4:06 PM

Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

I'm good, for once. O_O

12:58 AM

Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

Do you still have that hippocrit poem, Krissy?

9:08 AM

Blogger krissy said...

1. im busy, but awesome
2. check the archives, it should still be there

5:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:37 PM

Blogger krissy said...

i cant believe im actually responding to this...

ok, if you cant understand "hi, how are you?" i fear for your intelligence. but yes, i do know sarcasm when i hear it. however, i genuinely could not understand what you were saying, therefore i informed you of my problem. if you have difficulty taking advice and correction, my fear moves from your intelligence to your maturity

9:48 PM

Blogger Raptur said...

Yes, Mr. Bevington.

You frequently use ambiguous grammatical structures.
Listen to your English teachers--or at least read over and edit your posts.


6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you responded... As well as the response is departing from a person entitled "Krissy."

Ooops... YOU FAIL

7:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, yes, we all do fail from time to time...but you have failed to tell us in english what we have failed at.

9:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, Tom.. Nobody was speaking to you; I was in the mood to argue, and now I shall quit. Now, if you reflect about all of this, it has been meaningless. Also, about the levy yes, Ohio's school structure is very odd. Also, many of the freshman didn't ask logical questions but my friend and I made such good points, she couldn't answer and we have a business card. Woo, I win! (BETWEEN THE IGNORANT SCHOOL LADY)

5:33 PM


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