Thursday, September 29, 2005

I havent updated in a while

so i thought i should

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

college update

so yeah, im about to end my third day at ohio state, and tomorrow i actually get to take classes... woot.

but even that pales in comparison to what i found today. today i discovered just a few minutes walk from my dorm the wonder that is the rec center. this place is like the waiting room for heaven. except you really dont wait there, you run around and play sports and do other active-type things. but thats beside the point. the point is that im going to be practically living in this place from now on. there are more weights and workout machines and treadmills than a small country could use at once. this is good, because osu is bigger than a small country.


i also found apollos today. this place is also a marvelous thing. its a greek restaurant with actual greek people, but they serve fries with the gyro. welcome to america.

thats about it for now

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I'm at College!

its happy. i just wanted everyone to know

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

thoughts of long blond hair

not that anyones counting, but i have 4 days left till i move into Ohio State. but theres actually things i get to do at this point to prepare, so at least im not being driven completely insane by boredom, only incompletely insane.

on the other hand, these are the last days of life as ive known it for years.

on the other hand, im tired of life as ive known it for years.

on the other hand, i will no longer see various people ive known well

on the other hand, ill maintain those relatoinships i treasure, and will also meet new people

on the other there is no other hand. i want to leave

still four days left

Monday, September 05, 2005

this sounded fun

"Pick a band and use titles of their songs to answer the questions"

Name of the Band: DC Talk

Are you male or female? He works

Describe yourself? Jesus Freak

How do some people feel about you? Socially Acceptable

How do you feel about yourself? Free at Last

Describe an ex boy friend or girlfriend: No More

Describe you current boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife: Godsend

Describe where you want to be: In the Light

Describe how you live: Day by Day

Describe how you love: Luv is a Verb

Share a few words of wisdom: Fly like an Eagle