Friday, August 21, 2009

Mortalis and Immortalis

In R.A. Salvatore's DemonWars Saga, there are two poems. In the novels, the first was written by a despairing monk during a time of plague, the second by another monk years later in response. I've always liked them, especially together, so I just thought I'd share.


What miserable wretches we mortals be
To build our homes in sheltered lea,
To build our hopes in sheltered womb
Weaving fancies of the tomb.

What wretched souls we mortals be
To bask in false epiphany,
To see a light so clear, so true,
To save us from the fate we rue.
Deny the truth before our sight
That worms invade eternal night,
That maggots feed within the skin
Of faithful pure, devoid of sin.

Oh what hopeful children mortals be!
Castles in air, grand barges at sea,
Bed of clouds and angels' song,
Heavenly feasting eternity long.
What mockery made of endless night!
That prayer transcends truth and hope denies sight!
That all that we know and all that we see
Is washed away by what we pray much be.

So tell me not of eternal soul
That flees my coil through worm-bit hole.
For when I die what is left of me?
A whisper lost to eternity.


Misery's curse to those who let pride
Propel their journey as spiritual guide,
To count their hopes in finger's toil
And measure worth in corporeal coil.

What wretched fools these mortals be
Ignoring promise of eternity,
Denying reason's just reward,
Defending riches with the sword.
Averting eyes from higher light,
Existing in fear of eternal night.
How pitiful are those lacking the sense
TO accept the call of divine recompense!

What joke it would be to being of reason
If flesh and blood proved the only season,
If divinity's call is an outrageous lie,
And heaven sits not above earthly sky.
If consciousness falls to black emptiness
And maggots claim souls as part of their mess,
If all of our reason to brightest lights shine,
In false perception of all that's divine.

So tell me not of mere mortal coil
Denying the hopes in worm-holed soil.
I'll fly my way on angels borne
While faithless wallow in mud, forlorn.


Blogger Raptur said...

when are you going to tell the internet that you have a house

12:24 PM

Blogger krissy said...

When I feel the internet is willing to commit to our relationship, I'll consider keeping it appraised concerning my life.

All I'm looking for is a phone call, really. A party invitation. Maybe a small role in the wedding, you know, if his mother's cousin's son is out of town that day. Something that says, "even though I interact with hundreds of millions of people each day, I still try and make time for you."

That's all.

3:28 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this I was looking for it

6:14 PM


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