Friday, October 28, 2005

well its almost turkey day

You know you want to click this

Thursday, October 27, 2005

and the world does a 180....

so i meant to post about this yesterday, but ended up being quite busy.

anyways, yesterday morning our tower woke up one man short. Stephan Horton, a frist year computer science major on the 17th floor was found dead by his roommate.

Rest in peace Stephan.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


im having a riveting aim conversation with rachel right now about chocolate chip cookies and sandals. its most defninitely the highlight of my whole day so far. *highlights conversation with mouse just for the sake of the pun*

yes, things like that amuse me, stop laughing. no, i know you are. dont even try and deny it. youre reading this thinking 'chris, you are such a moron' or 'why are you even talking?' or 'im going to go eat an orange.' well i am a moron, i feel like it, and theyre good for you so you should

so there

post number 72

that really doenst seem like a lot for 14.5 months of blog

oh well

on to the 73rd

Saturday, October 22, 2005

still at college....

its true, though it really doesnt seem like its been that long. time flies when youre at college apparently. sometimes it seems like youre in an perpetual cycle of class, homework, and random activities. and food. cant forget food.

well, i suppose you can. but i wouldnt advise it.

in other news, after a week and a day my computers still dead. no virus, but still dead. though i can play solitare on it, so at least theres that, for whatever its worth. it apparently doesnt want to acknowledge theres an ethernet cable attached to it.

*shrug* itll be back eventually. or ill kill it. one of the two *ignores the fact he just said hed kill his already dead computer*

is it sad that even when im not on aim i still use the astrisks?


in other news, its parents weekend here at ohio state, and mine will be showing up in a few hours to check out RPAC and take me out to eat. yay parents and buying food.

thats really about it. it sounds so boring when put to words

oh well, cest la vie

*waits to be killed for using french*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Attention Please

for those of you that are a bit slow as well as evil, the text in the post below is a link

thank you, you may return to your lives now

I expect to be dead by morning for this post

Girls are evil

Sunday, October 09, 2005

i really should be doing math

but im not. however, there is a good reason. that being that the work i need to do is online and the computer cant find said site, or something like that.

so theres my justification.

anyway, life is happy. college is sweet if you ignore certain classes. *cough* math *cough* im in the general renaissance club, as well as the fight guild learning how to act like im hacking you to death with a sword. the festivals in the spring, which ill start bugging all of you about when it gets closer. doin the raquetball thing, and actually went to church for the first time here.

so yeah, thats about all i can think of right now. such is my life, and im lovin it