Monday, February 18, 2008

So I've found what it takes to make me post

it's apparently a 10-12 page research paper for anthropology on the history and social conflict of Chile. Who knew?

Honestly, I would have posted if anything of interest had been happening. But between school and work, the rest of life gets the short end of the stick, like the piece of bark hanging of the end a little bit. Life basically means hanging out with my wife whenever I can (and sometimes when I can't) and the occasional cake night (props to tom for that idea).

But enough about me, let's hear about you. Oh wait, it's my blog. Right. So I should talk about my life and/or my opinions on it. Since I did the first in little over 4 lines, here my opinions on the issues of the day. I warn you, my brain is fried and thus so is my capacity to think rationally and use complex words and sentence structure.

Election: this has resulted in a significant amount of time wasted in at least one of my classes. Therefore, I do indeed support the holding of elections.

Writer's strike end: I get the office again, do I really need to elaborate?

College shootings: These are bad. I think we can all agree these are bad. The issue is how to make them not happen. There seems to be an abundant amount of ideas about how to do this. Some legislation of some kind will probably be enacted with little to moderate success while the old moral ideas which so often are ignored will be talked about for a while, held up as our only hope for peace on earth, and then ignored some more.

Global Warming: this also is bad. the general public has now been told what jews and christians and scientists (among others) have long been telling them: that the earth won't last forever. Granted, that instead of divine action or the explosion of the sun, the fact that we ourselves will be responsible for its destruction is a tad bit surprising, but hey, aren't people always saying how much they like surprises?

Thus is my opinion. and by "opinion" i mean "the words that came out of my head after spending three days thinking solely about the history of Chile and during my quarter-hearted attempt to make a blog post that at least lacked incomplete sentences"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too find papers are nice motivators for writing blog posts. I find that sometimes I order too many supplies (i.e. words) for my papers and that blogging is a good use for any excess essay materials.

Good to know that you haven't forsaken the onlines journal.

Speaking of online journals, there's a game night saturday (7pm) at Rey's house and you should come.


9:22 AM


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