Saturday, August 28, 2004

pink sunlight

we had a session today. my character got to kill alexia twice, something he particularly enjoyed. almost died himself, but necessity and a high charisma can get you far in a crunch. it was last regular session with the college bound members of the party, but hopefully there are people at their respective universities that play D&D. we have all learned well the lessons of trap checking and not rushing blindly into battles, among other things, so they'll represent our party well. fare ye well fellow adventurers, may your college years present a good a challenge as any dungeon.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

warning: thought actually went into this post

went jogging the other day. done it several times since then, but that one particular jog has relevence to it, thusly why i mention it. to explain: for the past year or so, ive jogged a 2.6 mile loop fairly regularly. while working at kirkwood, i asked one of the directors if theyd use their distance measuring walkie thing to measure a 3 mile loop. i ran it, and managed to do so with a good bit of success. thusly when i came home i mapped out a 3 mile run myself. heres the thing now, the director was off in her measurement, a good bit off. thusly, near the end of my jog, having run at a quick pace i could only keep for so long, i found myself in an interesting position; i honestly didnt know if i could finish. i realized, after somehow managing to finish and catch my breath, that i had never been in that position before. ive done things in the past that were very difficult, to be sure, but never something i didnt actually believe i could accomplish. i dont know how many of you reading this have had this experience, but it is a rather startling one, for me at least. i now hold the opinion ive missed out on something here. being able to finish that run is now rather high in my list of things im proud of. that last half mile, when my body was screaming to stop, and my mind had thrown its support with it, i wanted nothing more than to lie down and catch my breath. but something, call it subconscious, spirit, or whatever, it really donesnt matter, prodded me onward. i found energy i didnt know i pocessed, and pushed my body beyond the limit i thought it had. i now wonder what my potential really is. i donno, i might post about this later. for now, im tired enough im starting to ramble. g'night

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


wow, i just had the easiest day of school on record. even considering it was first day. and good news: orchestra might not suck after all! any teacher that says 'now get out your doodles' has a decent chance of being a good teacher. and craig is assistant director, cool points for whoever decided that one. only one more class left to attend, cultural sociology. should be fun/challenging. and lo! my english teacher seems to be the anti-krausse. to quote 'you know that 5 paragraph essay you were all forced to write in high school along with those other formats? you're goal is to write without those this year'. yay for liberal teachers. and that is the end, there aint no more, until i meet that bear once more.

Monday, August 23, 2004

igit teachers

i grilled for the freshmen at the high school today. i actually used most of the time to talk to teachers i like. cept yelton. know why? she moved. igit. now orchestra still most likely suck. more than before. which is saying something. but hey, my schedule still pewwwwns, so it aint all bad. for instance, i dont have to be anywhere till 10 tomorrow. nice, no? and so i shall retire tonight with the knowledge that i begin my last year in the public school system. no doubt ill dream well tonight

Sunday, August 22, 2004


A peculiar encounter

Through a forest of deep green ran a downtrodden path
That, as I went, lost its appeal
I decided to turn, and blaze my own way
An idea I pursued with zeal

After forging for a while, through the bushes and trees
I came upon a small lake
By now I was tired, hungry, and thirsty
It seemed an ideal place for a break

As I rested I noticed I was not alone
For I saw a creature across from me
It was large, with small ears and leathery skin
But floated, strange to see

Curious I strolled around the pond
To see whatever I could
The reason for its bobbing then became quite apparent
This creature was made of wood!

Don’t ask me to explain, I’m afraid I cannot
How a creature of wood can be
And before I could even think more on the subject
The creature spoke to me

“Do unto others,” the creature said,
“As you would have them do to you.”
“Be polite, courteous and always kind.”
“And always ask ‘how do you do?’”

I was baffled, confused, and a bit out of sorts
With the feeling I was not quite on par
All I managed that moment was to speak my mind
Saying, “Sir, what is it you are?”

The politeness that the creature had shown me
Suddenly changed to a sarcastic sneer
“My are you stupid, idiotic and dumb.”
“Strange and I’m sure very queer.”

At that the creature merely wandered away
Shouting insults and cursing fate
As I watched it go, its nature stuck me
I’d just met a hippo-crate

Friday, August 20, 2004


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

jr birdman

woo hoo. second post. yay! i promise i wont do that for each post, probably. like most people who havent become addicted to blogging, i find myself typing mostly due to boredom. im due for a chiropractic appointment in less than an hour, and how better to fill the time than posting random letters on the internet? lafdjadffuiojdslfjsaljfzcxbnsda. thats for those who said the previous letters werent random. and i know some of you said it. those who didnt, consider this merely an opportunity to improve the depth of your personality...or some such thing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

first post

howdy. this is my first post under my new blog. i tried to update my other blog and was utterly pewwwned. therefore i give you avelyns cross. i dont know how often this will be updated, other than when the notion sounds appealing. i figured since im back from my summer job at kirkwood, and i will actually have internet access, i might actually manage to keep one of these things. so heres a toast (im drinking gatorade) to my new blog. cheers.