Monday, November 29, 2004


well, everyone else is doing it. thusly, i must also

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your own bulletin...along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you

"It employs a whole series of perverse tricks designed to force typists to type as slowly as possible, such as scattering the commonest letters over all keyboard rows and concentrating them on the left side (where right handed people have to use their weaker hand)."

Making Sense, Knowing the Arts and Sciences. sry folks. like john, i had a textbook. i do like the fact that left handers have an advantage in typing; id never thought about it before. see, these random activities are good for something sometimes...maybe....

Saturday, November 20, 2004


yeah, as soon as the wizard becomes the wanna be Jesus, we leave him behind to be held in the temple of what is now home to some great evil force. dont ask if you dont wanna know. and trust me, you dont.

in other news, i hate driving in big cities. like cincinnati for example. small one way roads, wetness, and a reliance on the guy in front of me result in running into said guy. said guy being john. eh, no damage, and nick did a nice job at the cafe. and they have italian sodas! woot. nice cafe, good music, italian sodas, good company, and euchre. it cant get better than that. well, maybe if that girl at the counter had been free to dance...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

meditations, reflections, and prayer

i like that line, its the title to a cd i dont have but should.

on another note, ive just realized something. at the end of august i figured itd take till next summer before id want to go back to kirkwood. now, after being there again this weekend, ive found that i wish i was still there. funny how the mind works aint it? it is weird though. despite the lack of sleep, the aching feet and the annoyance of cooking, i much prefer this past summer to fall. not that the past few months havent had benefits, mainly the fact i can hang out with people again, but...i dont know. something about not really doing anything constructive (besides that whole getting a diploma thing) really makes life dull. ive always questioned why people wouldnt want to go to college, even if its just mum. now i think i have an idea. something about working and living without any aspects of a classroom has a definite appeal. no worries parents, im still gonna go to college, im just gonna appreciate those days i get to spend working a lot more.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

im moving to Norway

that right. if youre plane's headed straight for a mountain, and you failed to change the pilot, best find a new plane. than again, who knows, maybe it'll take more than four years to crash, and the next pilot will change course. then again, maybe the current pilot will choke on a pretzel and die this time. theres always hope. yay for extended metephors. if you cant tell, im a bit bitter. i should get over it eventually, that whole small act of a large play idea. another metephor for you; i seem to be full of them today. i wonder if i could compare cheney to a slideshow of aunt mercil's latest vacation or something....

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


so, anyways. hi there, im glad you could join me. grab a drink, sit down, and listen to a story. it begins in ages past when man walked the earth with creatures unimaginable in our times. it features a great.... *gets up, opens the door, and leaves*