Tuesday, February 15, 2005

levy update

we had an assembly today about the levy, and several things happened. first, people in the senior class actually asked intelligent quesitons. this beings renewed hope to my heart for these people. secondly, i learned that there is, in addition to the renewal for the old levy, a new one up for passing. this one is less likely to be passed, but will secure the school system for a long while when paired with the other two. thirdly, while i had heard this, it was confirmed that the way ohio funds school systems is not only stupid, but by ruling of the supreme court unconstitutional. yet nothing has been done about it. joy. if you would wish to email these wonderful people, go to www.middletowncityschools.com, scroll down to the bottom right, and click on 'email our legislators'. if nothing else, the threat of not being voted for tends to make legislators take action. you could try common sense, but if the supreme court failed at it, i dont hold out much luck for you.


Blogger GMan said...

I have a roommate named Jason Levy and I'm trying to get the Supreme Court to rule him out of my apartment. Any relation?
-The Gman

1:38 PM


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