Saturday, April 30, 2005

guess what i had for dinner?

chilean wine and shark


that's pretty sweet

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

you know, usually i post because something of some relevance has happened. however, at this point the most significant thing thats happened recently is that i hurt my wrist. i just kinda felt like posting i suppose. at times it can really be a nice way to sort out ones thoughts, assuming one doesnt care whether the whole world can read them.

which i dont, really.

its just in the mist of this whole graduating/college thing, ive realized (again) how blessed i am. i mean, not only am i going to college, im paying very little to do so. i have all the skills and abilities to succeed in almost anything i could want (with the exceptions of a career in singing or art). i have intelligence, athletic ability, and some have actually called me a nice guy. (others have said differently, but im pretty sure most were kidding.) in other words, i have the freedom to do what i want. in elementary school, people always told you that you could be whatever you wanted to be, and because it was true for me, i didnt realize it wasnt for many people.

songs are cool: What will He say when your time has come? When he takes you into His arms of love? With tears in His eyes will he say well done? What will He say when your time has come?

it went with my train of thought. I'd quote spiderman, but i never liked that phrasing, and its so cliche by now that itd sound silly.

this is what happens when i let my brain shut down, i ramble. its just that in listening to people talk about their lives, i realize how much pain, drama, and hardships mine lacks. having cool parents definitely is responsible for a lot of that. yes, i said my parents are cool, and i think its sad that few people say that.

another strange thing, most people i know are cool. i mean, im sure you (whoever you are) have heard about all those people that are annoying or mean or whatever. is it weird that i dont know many? yes, people get on my nerves, but its usually because im easily annoyed at the time (early mornings are famous for this.) and if theyre always that way, its usually just a certain personality trait that does it. someone could be annoying because they talk too much or try and always impress others. you know, now that i think about it (and of course im writing down whatever im thinking, adhd is a wonderful thing) im convinced anyone i know who doesnt have at least one thing that can annoy me i just havent gotten to know well enough. and that means i have some trait that at most people at least find annoying. anyone want to tell me what that is? im curious. C.S. Lewis said that a demon's goal is when a person prays for self-enlightenment to have them do so for an hour and still keep them oblivious to something anyone else could have figured out from spending 10 minutes in their company. i always found that statement interesting. Lewis was just a cool guy.

anyways (and it is "anyways"), there really is no anyways. i think im done with this post.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

almost there

well i finally got the thing from the office of financial records at OSU. details aside, its quite happy, meaning all i have to do now is turn in my housing form (and graduate) and im set for next year. this would be sweet if the whole graduating thing wasnt so freakin annoying. and it does look like ill make it to graduation. dalton says, and i quote, "i cant tell you how, but trust me, youll get there on time." if you want a hint, its a mode of transportation i havent used before

in other news, im almost on my 15' pole, if that means anything to you. im goin to mansfield on friday, and hopefully ill be on it by then.

well thats my life, hows yours?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

charging hell with a supersoaker

ok, so whoever scheduled the youth convention on time change weekend needs a new job. but i took a nap today, so now im no longer tired. unfortunately, i wont be for a while...and i have to get up tomorrow...

the cycle of evil continues...

great weekend by the way. cept i wasnt allowed to take my sword to the renaissance dinner, making any hope of me trying to dress up vanish entirely. but oh well, if it were a perfect world...

and for those who find such things amusing, heres how a sign in McDonalds reads: ice cream cones: 2 for $2, single for $1.
yet pies sell 2 for a dollar, one for 99 cents. go figure...