Monday, May 30, 2005

party time

the time of school and track has ended, the time of graduation and the related parties begins.

for starters, ours went well yesterday. that is, mine/toms/justins/johns. all credit for this goes to our moms. seriously, we invited our friends, they did the rest. and did it well. got lotsa well wishes and cards. which reminds me, this is also the time of thank you notes. yeah buddy, this'll be fun.

however, the inconvinience of writing graduation notes is to going to school is as eating a carrot is to slowing amputating your arm off with a blunt spoon while listening to your aunt mercil tell you about her recent hip surgery.

meaning that all in all, notes aint bad


Thursday, May 26, 2005


place: 5th

height: 13' 6", 15' pole

qualification: one place short of state

attempt: 14'. nice attempts, but the effort came a bit too late

so that's all folks, the fat lady's sung. so ends my high school career in pole vaulting. the end wasn't what i'd hoped for, but hopefully there will still be college. congratulations meyer, your record still holds.

Friday, May 20, 2005


place: 1st

height: 13', 14' pole

qualification: i made it to regionals, duh

attempt: 13' 6" on the 15', didnt happen

so a definite victory, if not a complete one (which would have occured by using the 15 to gain a new personal record.) i still have regionals, but ill need 14'-14' 6" to get to state. no if ands or buts about it ladies and gentlemen, its the 15 footer or nothing. wish me luck

Thursday, May 19, 2005


saw revenge of the sith last night. holy crap, its freakin awesome. yeah, thats about all i had to say without ruining it

Thursday, May 12, 2005

GMC results

place: 2nd

height: 13' 6" (1st place 14', 3rd place 11' 6")

pole: 15' 160

technique: poor technique at the top (due to lack of any experience on the pole), which when fixed should add 6" to a foot in height

overall preformance: infinitely better than before

what'd i tell ya?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

life needs a soundtrack

it really does, honest. i coulda used one this afternoon. as it was, i had to make do with the dialogue of my coaches. most of which consisted of a high amount of frustration and anger. which was alright, it reflected what i was feeling.

ive always been under the impression that one strives for glory, fights foes outside and wrestles with demons inside. the hero either overcomes these foes, of which he himself is often one, and rides to victory, or he fails, and becomes a tragic hero doomed to be forgotten and lost to memory.

in my own small little battle today, neither of these occured. instead, i merely succeeded in not failing. for the whole afternoon, i strove to conquer the mind and body and took a leaps of faith trusting in my own strength, the laws of physics, and the abundant grace of God. (the last is proved by the fact i went home uninjured.) and did i succeed in my goal? no. did i fail? no. at the end of the day, i was merely given a ray of hope that i can succeed after all, eventually.

this is quite annoying.

i know what at least some of you are thinking: the struggle isnt over. which is true, thats over june 4th. (state track meet if you havent caught on yet im talking about pole vaulting.) then, if not before, it will be decided whether i win or lose. yet i came very close to losing today, and each day from now till then will run that risk. it always has, its true. but ive never been this close. now its make it or break it, and the line between those two is razor thin.

you know, looking at all the things ive truly wanted to accomplish, ive never experienced failure, never really have even been close. ive failed tests, but i got into college easily. ive failed to practice, but im still good at cello. now, ive practiced with all my heart at vaulting, and i face failure.

but will i fail?

no chance in hell

yay for middletown

so yeah, the levy passed. this is a good thing, our town is saved from economic disaster. it passed by a lot too, 57% to 42%. my confidence is restored. unfortunatley, the levies of most of the other cities didn't pass. irksome. i realize people need to save money, but long term itll be worse.

but thats a rant for another day

for today, its nice, and i have a pole to get on