Monday, January 02, 2006

T-11 hours

that is until i leave for college again.

amazingly, i really dont want to go.

i know what some of you are saying. "of course not chris. suddenly your girlfriend will once again be 3 hours away instead of 3 minutes. only a crazy man would want to go back with that condition."

some of you have a point. but thats not what im talking about.

after one quarter at The Ohio State University, i have come to the conclusion that the academic world is a lot like many foreign countries: i would enjoy visiting, but i wouldn't want to live there.

those of you who previously spoke up are probably doing so again at this point saying "you're nuts. at college you're free. you're away from home, have craploads of clubs to join, friends that live with you, and you don't even have to cook for yourself. heck, college is a haven from life itself, why in the world wouldn't you want to be there?"

again, some of you have a point. however, you have also made mine. all people have passions for something. these passions define what they do, or at least what they wish they did. among my principle passions are God, people, and life. College changes the first two little. God is everywhere, and there is no shortage of people at college, especially one like OSU. Yet life, at least as i personally define it, is put on hold. You work at college, you improve mentially physically and socially at college; but as far as im concerned is it far harder to truly live at college. Indeed i find it nearly impossible.

As i find myself rambling, i could continue on this line of thought, but it is late. I'm going to bed, i have much work to do in the morning as i havent packed yet.


Blogger Raptur said...

i do want to live everywhere.

the logical conclusion of satisfying this desire, ironically enough, is that i'll visit everywhere and live nowhere, but ah well.


11:37 PM


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