Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hey everyone, I'm updating!

its been pointed out to me several times recently that i havent in a while. what can i say? lifes been busy and ive kinda forgotten this thing exists. madrigal was last week, and that ate up a lot of time the two weeks before it. it went well though, the audience loved it when i got humiliated in my fight, as they were supposed to. ah well, at least the monkey liked me.

and finals are next week, crazy. quarters go by so much faster than semesters. psych is really the only tricky one though, im gonna have to study like crazy from now till next tuesday for that one. then spring break, woot. its already march, how did that happen?

ah well, that is all for now


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just need to do update once to get hooked. There are so many souls out there that have gotten addicted to updating. Despite the commercials telling people the effects of updating, there are still so many that do it. When will the madness stop? when will the blog hosters realize that their product is taking away life one post at a time?

10:55 PM


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